Mestres da Obra
É uma Associação sem fins lucrativos que atua dentro dos canteiros de obras, tendo o trabalhador como público alvo.
0 Mestres da Obra tem como missão contribuir para o desenvolvimento humano dos trabalhadores da construção civil nas questões relacionadas a educação, promoção da saúde e cultura.
0 Mestres da Obra tem como missão contribuir para o desenvolvimento humano dos trabalhadores da construção civil nas questões relacionadas a educação, promoção da saúde e cultura.
Realizar projetos de educação, promoção da saúde e cultura com abrangência nas áreas das artes visuais, do design, da música e da palavra.
· Fortalece a autoestima
· Qualifica os ambientes de trabalho
· Promove o bem estar e a qualidade de vida
· Potencializa o entendimento das questões ambientais
Abstract : The Mestres da Obra, Program which since 1999 implements cultural activities on civil construction’s seedbeds of workmanships. The target public of this activity are the workmen from the seedbeds in which the Program acts. The main objective are the creation of a healthier workplace environment and health quality improvement for the workmen.
As principal activity, implements art atelier on the seedbed and it utilizes as substance cousin residues generated on the seedbed itself. The tools as well as the material used for the activities on the ateliers are the same utilized on the civil construction, the final creation is not determined, it comes from the individuals imagination. The work on the civil construction is extremely dangerous and exhausting. Low salaries, high accident risks, great physical damage, unqualified work relationships, generate a low development environment. Mestres da Obra acts on the creation of conditions for a better and healthier workplace, looks for the formation of a human appreciation reality, it makes knowledge building possible and fortifies those individual self-esteem.
As principal activity, implements art atelier on the seedbed and it utilizes as substance cousin residues generated on the seedbed itself. The tools as well as the material used for the activities on the ateliers are the same utilized on the civil construction, the final creation is not determined, it comes from the individuals imagination. The work on the civil construction is extremely dangerous and exhausting. Low salaries, high accident risks, great physical damage, unqualified work relationships, generate a low development environment. Mestres da Obra acts on the creation of conditions for a better and healthier workplace, looks for the formation of a human appreciation reality, it makes knowledge building possible and fortifies those individual self-esteem.
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